Alberto Segre
Gerard P. Weeg Faculty Scholar in Informatics
Gerard P. Weeg Faculty Scholar in Informatics
Alberto Segre is a professor of computer science and the Gerard P. Weeg Faculty Scholar in Informatics at the University of Iowa. His research is interested in distributed algorithms for solving optimization problems. He currently serves as Chair (DEO) of the Department of Computer Science.

Terry Conrad
Iowa Print Media Faculty Fellow
Iowa Print Media Faculty Fellow
Terry Conrad is an associate professor in the School of Art and Art History and the Iowa Print Media Faculty Fellow for the University of Iowa. He is interested in the community and social aspects of printmaking in both his teaching and art. He is also a 2017 New York Foundation for the Arts fellow in Drawing, Printmaking, and Book Arts.

Jan Wessel
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Jan Wessel is an associate professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. He was named a Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow in 2023. His research areas include behavioral and cognitive neuroscience and cognition.

Jason Radley
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Jason Radley is a professor in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. He was named a Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow in 2023. His research interests include stress neurobiology, neural control of adaptive responses to stress, chronic stress-induced structural plasticity in cortical systems, and emotional learning.

Michelle Voss
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Michelle Voss is an associate professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. She was named a Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow in 2023. Her research interests include stress neurobiology, neural control of adaptive responses to stress, chronic stress-induced structural plasticity in cortical systems, and emotional learning.

Ryan LaLumiere
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow
Ryan LaLumiere is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. He was named a Ronnie Ketchel Faculty Fellow in 2023. His research interests include the neurobiology of learning and memory in rodents, the neurobiology of addiction in rodents, behavioral neuroscience, and systems-level approach.

Andrew Hollingworth
Starch Faculty Fellow
Starch Faculty Fellow
Andrew Hollingworth is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. He was named a Starch Faculty Fellow in 2023. His research interests include attention, eye movements, visual memory, scene perception, and spatial cognition.

Cathleen Moore
Starch Faculty Fellow
Starch Faculty Fellow
Cathleen Moore is a Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. She was named a Starch Faculty Fellow in 2023. Her research interests include visual perception, attention, object perception, and perceptual organization.

John Freeman
Stuit Faculty Fellow of Psychology
Stuit Faculty Fellow of Psychology
John Freeman is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences and a Stuit Faculty Fellow of Psychology at the University of Iowa. This award was created to recognize senior faculty whose distinction in teaching and scholarship is matched by exceptional leadership in service to the university, the college, and their respective departments. Freeman is a behavior neuroscientist and leading investigator in neural and developmental mechanisms underlying learning and memory.

Emily Finzel
William M. Furnish Fellow
William M. Furnish Fellow
Emily Finzel is an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Iowa. She was named the William M. Furnish Fellow in 2023. Her research areas include paleoenvironments, sedimentary geology, structure, and tectonics.