Cynthia Chou
C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Chair of Asian Studies
C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Chair of Asian Studies
Cynthia Chou is a socio-cultural anthropologist with a research focus in sociocultural and medical anthropology across South Asia, specifically the Malay world. She has held the C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Chair of Asian Studies at the University of Iowa since 2016. This chair supports a professor whose research is geographically specialized in East or Southeast Asia with an emphasis on transnational and cross-cultural topics.

Hyaeweol Choi
C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair of Korean Studies
C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair of Korean Studies
Hyaeweol Choi (pronounced Heh-wall Che) is a professor of Korean Studies, Gender History, and Religious Studies. She has held the C. Maxwell and Elizabeth M. Stanley Family and Korea Foundation Chair in Korean Studies at the University of Iowa since 2018. This chair position was created for those who specialize in a humanities or social science discipline and have primary research and teaching expertise in Korean Studies. She is also the founding director of the Korean Studies Research Network (KoRN) and currently serves as Chair (DEO) of the Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.

Steven W. Duck
Daniel and Amy Starch Research Chair
Daniel and Amy Starch Research Chair
Steven W. Duck has held the Daniel and Amy Starch Research Chair at the University of Iowa since 1986. His research includes personal relationships and the way they are rhetorically presented in everyday life interactions. He has served in a number of leadership roles in the college.

Mark Arnold
Edwin B. Green Chair in Laser-Chemistry
Edwin B. Green Chair in Laser-Chemistry
Mark Arnold has held the Edwin B. Green Chair in Laser-Chemistry at the University of Iowa since 2005. His research specializes in chemical sensors, analytical chemistry, and biological and biophysical chemistry. Arnold also serves as the director of the UI Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing.

Eric Hunter
Harriet B. and Harold S. Brady Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Harriet B. and Harold S. Brady Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Eric Hunter is the Chair (DEO) of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Iowa. As of 2023, he holds the Harriet B. and Harold S. Brady Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences. His main research interests are occupational voice use, signal processing, biomechanics of speech articulators and biomechanical models of the vocal system, and muscle mechanics and muscle models.

Rene Rocha
Herman J. and Eileen S. Schmidt Chair
Herman J. and Eileen S. Schmidt Chair
Rene Rocha has held the Herman J. and Eileen S. Schmidt Chair at the University of Iowa since 2021. This position supports and recognizes excellence in undergraduate teaching, mentoring, and curriculum development. Rocha is a leading scholar of race, ethnicity, and politics in the United States, specializing in immigration policy and voting rights. He currently serves as director of the UI Latina/o/x Studies Program.

Garrett Stewart
James O. Freedman Chair in Letters
James O. Freedman Chair in Letters
Since 1993, Garrett Stewart has held the James O. Freedman Chair or Professor in Letters at the University of Iowa. He has taught fiction, film and textual theory at the UI since 1993, with his teaching and research focused on Victorian Fiction, Narrative Theory, Textual Poetics, and Visuality Studies. He is the author of multiple books on fiction and film and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Bruce Bartholow
Ketchel Family Chair in Psychology
Ketchel Family Chair in Psychology
Bruce Bartholow is a professor in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Iowa. As of 2023, he holds the Ketchel Family Chair. He is a social psychologist with research interests in alcohol use, person perception, and aggression.

Fred Boehmke
Marvin and Rose Lee Pomerantz Chair in Political Science
Marvin and Rose Lee Pomerantz Chair in Political Science
As of 2022, Fred Boehmke is the first Marvin and Rose Lee Pomerantz Chair in Political Science at the University of Iowa. This award supports a legislative studies scholar at the university. Boehmke’s research areas of interest include American politics, political methodology, formal theory, and the effect of direct democracy on interest groups. He currently serves as director of the Iowa Social Science Research Center.

Gary Pierce
Russel B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Russel B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Gary Pierce is a researcher in human physiology. As of 2022, he holds the first Russel B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences. He is an Associate Member of the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center at the UI, a fellow of the American Heart Association, and currently serves as both Chair (DEO) of the Department of Health and Human Physiology and Director of Graduate Programs.

Jodie Plumert
Russell B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Russell B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jodie Plumert is a professor in human physiology. As of 2023, she holds the Russel B. Day and Florence D. Day Chair in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Her research interests include risk taking in typically- and atypically-developing populations, perceptual-motor development, unintentional childhood injuries, parent-child communication, development of spatial memory and communication.

Sara Sanders
UI Alumni Association Dean's Chair in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
UI Alumni Association Dean's Chair in the Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sara Sanders is the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Since 2021, she has held the UI Alumni Association Dean’s Chair in the Liberal Arts and Sciences. Through this position, she provides educational leadership and promotes the academic quality and welfare of the college’s faculty and students. She is also a Hartford Faculty Scholar.

Kristy Nabhan-Warren
V.O. and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Chair in Catholic Studies
V.O. and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Chair in Catholic Studies
Since 2019, Kristy Nabhan-Warren has held the V.O. and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Chair in Catholic Studies, an award established to support catholic studies in the Department of Religious Studies. Her teaching focuses on American religions and ethnographic approaches to the study of religion. She is an active member of the American Academy of Religion and has just published her most recent book, Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland.